Hello! I’m Paulo Shinta Shiozaki, the Senior Business Director responsible for the commercial area at Honsha.Org.

I was born in the city of Wakaura, Wakayama province in Japan and later became a naturalized Brazilian citizen. I’ve been a part of Honsha.Org since 2009, where I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous clients as a Lean consultant and sharing my expertise in TPS (Toyota Production System) and Lean Culture.

My academic background includes a degree in electrical engineering from FEI (Faculty of Industrial Engineering) and a postgraduate degree in welding engineering from USP. I had the opportunity to further my understanding of TPS through technical training at Toyota Motor Corporation’s education and development centers, and I developed practical and operational skills during extended internships at various Toyota facilities in Japan, Asia, and industrial plants in the USA.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I have a deep appreciation for reading, the arts, and music. In the realm of sports, I enjoy playing tennis, and for leisure, I indulge in games of chess and gardening. My family holds a special place in my heart, and I always strive to spend quality time with them, whether at home, on trips, during vacations, or while attending my children’s activities.

The principles, personal and professional values I hold, as well as the invaluable education instilled in me by my parents, serve as the foundation of my existence and my work. I make it a point to pass on these values to my family and consistently apply them in my work, friendships, and relationships with colleagues. Additionally, I share these principles with clients and the people I interact with daily.

I have a deep commitment to continual learning and expanding my knowledge and wisdom. This commitment allows me to stay updated and always be prepared to offer the best of myself to individuals and organizations.

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