Hello, I’m Eizo Hanao, born in São Paulo. I had the privilege of working and learning Lean at the best school in the world: Toyota. Therefore, I feel not only obligated but also pleased to pass on my TPS knowledge.
This defines my life purpose today as a Lean consultant: a passion for teaching how to make companies, society, and people prosper in their businesses using Lean methodologies.
My background is in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a Postgraduate degree in Business Management from FGV.
I worked for 18 years at Toyota (3 years in Japan) and 9 years at Embraer during Lean implementation on aircraft assembly lines.
I have a wife and two children who are gifts from God. I enjoy playing tennis (I’m not that great), but like TPS, it requires me, over the age of 60, to keep my body active and seek improvements every day.